Taiker Magazine | Man of the week – Simon Newton

Simon Newton was the green leaf in the western fashion industry, but now he is the most wanted one in this industry. This change isn’t unusual in this vivid industry. However, if you want to stay in fashion for good, you certainly need to have some ultra-special things. Otherwise, you will vanish in pain and will be talked by everyone after dinner in the next ten years. But Simon Newton is the one who won’t disappear for anything.

Through the interview with Newton, we have a chance of getting closer with this fashion actor, who no longer prevents the paparazzi from filming, but has become the one cameramen are looking for having exclusive photography.

Man of the week - Simon Newton

What brought you from a bodyguard to an actor?

I have been working in the film industry since 2010 on and off. It has always been something I have enjoyed and wanted to get more involved in.

Do you think the fashion industry needs more masculine role models? 

Not particularly, I think it very much depends on the designer and the type of clothing. I know a number of brands have made certain items to fit more muscular guys. Fashion is something that holds no boundaries so masculine or not, if it looks good on you then I would suggest wearing it.

What’s your style? 

I have two different styles, my everyday style would be a bomber jacket, t shirt, jeans and trainers (I always wear designer unless I am in the gym and would choose to wear sports trainers) I love a nice belt and watch. When it comes to more formal, you can’t go wrong with a three piece suit and pocket watch is the normal kind of style I go for.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I don’t really get my inspiration from anywhere in particular. I wear what I like and what I think will look good on me. Sometimes I just see items in a shop window or on people in the street. Sometimes online or maybe Instagram I see items I like but normally the whole outfit is an idea I’ve just made up.

Which fashion designer is your favourite? 

I love Tom Ford for men, there suits are fitted perfectly (especially for my body shape) His styles are great and the quality is always impeccable.

How many days do you work out per week? 

Normally seven, work depending. I train twice a day, cardio around 06.00 every morning before breakfast and weight training later in the day.

Do you have any specific diet plan? 

My diet has been tailormade just for me and took around eight months to fine tune so it works for me affectively. General rule for me is no carbohydrates or sugar Monday to Friday and at weekends I have an overload of carbs, normally in the form of rice and porridge oats. The bulk of my weekday meals are chicken and steamed vegetables. I also try to consume around four to five litres of water a day. For supplements, I use a pre workout before training and a diet whey protein after.

What’s your vice?

It has to be cigars, I try not to smoke too much so limit myself to no more than one a week but often I go weeks without. I do drink but not often due to dieting and training. When I do drink it will always be vodka and soda water to keep the calories down.

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